Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rem's leading to nowhere

Few years ago when I was in Shanghai, I found that a local literature magazine allocated its whole issue featuring Mr. Rem Koolhaas entitled ‘hugging Koolhaas’, in which the illustration started from his life as screenwriter, delirious NY to the latest competition for CCTV headquarter. Yesterday I was waiting at Gate 85A of John Kennedy Airport in San Francisco and found that Rem was invited as guest editor in the June issue of Wired Magazine. He presented 5 feature articles and 30 spaces for the 21st century. It becomes no surprise that Rem’s face would appear in the coming issue of Forbes or Cosmopolitan... When I picked up that magazine, I was confused. What’s wrong with that? Why am I feeling so insecure? Is Rem so charming that makes everyone interested in architecture? OR, is Rem no longer talking about space anymore? Had Rem been silently betraying architecture and turning it upside down? OR, had Rem never thought of doing something for architecture but picking architecture to do something for him? Looking back the exhibition for deconstructivists in 1970 (although they would not claim this term now), Zaha, Peter, Daniel, Bernard and Frank are still building their castles. Only Rem has radically produced much more ideas and directions over the last 30 years. He is ‘shaking’ as well as ‘shaping’ architecture. From this, his act is truly deconstructing.


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