Thursday, April 28, 2005

The days in Boston

On the day I arrived, snow came. Snow makes the temperature rise up to almost 30F. 32F is equal to zero degree Celsius. Before I got on the plane, I was a bit hesitated about the weather in Northeast America. Since, the temperature last week was about -10F. -10F is almost 25 degree Celsius below zero. Louie said he had never experienced such coldness for the last seven years. However, 0C or –25C indeed makes no difference for someone who came from Hong Kong, like me. On the day I arrived, it was the Memorial Day for Martin Luther King. It is supposed to be a national holiday. To my surprise, most of the offices (except banks and government sectors) would not take this holiday. It is not simply a matter of holiday or not. In certain extent, King takes a significant role in the US history. To me, its importance can be equivalent to 4 July. It makes me curious about how they value this gentleman... or am I over-reacted? Within the next 24 hours, it is forecasted that snow and wind chilled would come again to the East Coast. Metros would run overnight, schools close and salt trucks work around the clock...


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